Monica Eneholm,
Topic, International MRO network + collection course.
What is the name of the company / organisation that you will be representing?
Swedish Armed Forces
What does your company / organisation do?
Tackling issues that arise from laboratory confirmed drug tests from international donors are polyfactorial. The dominant issues that arise are as follows:
- Supporting multiple languages
- Office time zone differences
- Knowing how different countries classify drugs as controlled vs. not controlled
- Is a prescription needed?
- Verification of alleged medical information
What will delegates learn in Salzburg?
Knowing how to deal with these complexities is of critical importance when providing drug testing services internationally.
What are you most looking forward to at IFDAT 2022?
Meeting colleagues and invitite to an international network for MRO:s to share and spread knowledge about national differences and similarities in drugtestning, with focus on the latter. Discussing content in collection training that will result in qualifications to perform leagally defenceable drug testing internationally. Investigating the possibilities of writing guidelines for international MRO work taking into concideration differences in culture, legislation, precribing habits and patient-physician relation.